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Writer's pictureKayley Norton

5 Common Member Questions - Answered!

Being within the gym atmosphere and spending a lot of time chatting and getting to know people, there are inevitably many health and fitness related questions that come up in conversation. With so much misinformation out there and many people keen to make the most of their membership, a few of these get asked more often than others!

This blog should help demistify some common queries, as well as send you in the direction of further info should you want it.


What is the best exercise for weight loss?

In short, the one that you'll do!

If your goal is to lose weight, the bottom line is you need to be using more energy than you are putting in - being in a calorie deficit. As long as this is the case, you will lose weight...There is no magic exercise style that will work better than any other.

Many people are under the illusion that they need to be in the gym 5-7 days a week, smashing themselves to achieve their weight loss goals and this is simply not the case. ANY exercise is better than no exercise! Find something you enjoy, that you can stick to and make a part of your lifestyle and do that - be it gym based, team sports, pilates, walks with friends, cycling with your family or Crossfit...Just move your body, it all counts!

Walking is one of the best and most underrated tools for weight management - as well as all the other mind and body benefits! Read more about the power of a walk here.

Take a read of this previous post to find out more about energy balance.

How do I lose fat from my bottom/stomach/insert body part here? Hard truth - you cannot spot reduce from any body part, sorry. 100 sit ups a day won't build you a lean stomach, just like 100 squats a day wont build you a Kardashian style bum...

But this doesn't mean you are doomed! We have no control over which areas of our body we lose fat from, but we do have control over our overall health and fitness. All types of exercise when paired with a balanced diet, will aid in weight loss as long as you are in a calorie deficit - if that is your goal. Rather than focusing on that one body part, try looking at a more full picture approach...Is the scale trending in the right direction? Are your clothes fitting differently? Are you seeing more muscle definition? How are your energy levels and mood? Are you enjoying your new lifestyle? These are all great signs that you are taking care of your body, from here, the rest naturally falls into place!

How often should I exercise/Should I workout every day?

The answer to this question varies depending on your goals, fitness levels, time, stress levels...The list goes on.

Generally speaking, we should all be aiming to move our bodies in some way daily - our bodies are made to move! This does NOT mean doing a workout every day....a simple walk is a great way to get the blood pumping and some feel good endorphins flowing.

As far as workouts go, I would suggest at least 2 rest days for most people is a good idea - especially as I see many people tend to view 'more is more' as the basis of how successful a training session is. Our bodies need recovery in order to be able to repair and rebuild, as well as to reduce the risk of burnout. 3-5 days of specific training a week, with some recovery and fun movement on the others, is great for the general population of us 'everyday athletes'.

If you are starting to dread your sessions, or are constantly tired, irritable or stressed, it might be time to reevealuate your training load. As my coach has said to me in the past, 'can we entertain the idea that less might actually be more?'

This previous blog post may also help you determine how much training is right for you. This one is also a worthwhile read if you are worried you might be overdoing it.

Will lifting weights make me look too bulky?

The long and short answer is, NO! Anyone who is a regular in the gym with strength based goals WISHES it was as easy to put on muscle as a lot of people perceive. The truth is, building muscle is hard. It takes time. It is repetitive. You need to be patient.

No, lifting weights will NOT make you look bulky. Lifting weights will, however:

  • Increase your bone density, which is very important as we age

  • Help build the 'toned' look many of us are after

  • Increase your confidence, both in and out of the gym

  • Improve the health of your heart

  • Increases mobility and flexibility

  • Aid in body recomposition

The list could go on. In short, everyone will benefit their health by challenging their body by strength training at least a couple of times a week. More on the benefits of strength training here.

(Side note, if you're looking for help with this, myself and the team at Four Peak Fitness would love to chat to you!)

How do I get motivated? The age old question!

The reality is, motivation comes down to consistency, discipline and building habits. No-one is motivated all the time, even the most avid gym goer isn't always excited about their session. These people have created a habit that has become a part of their lifestyle. They have proven to themselves through repeated action, that 90% of the time they feel better once they get moving, and use that knowledge to keep them consistent.

Building habits, as with breaking old ones, takes time. The biggest piece of advice I can give here, is to start small and manageable. If you're new to exercising, make yourself a date even once a week to get moving. Once you've created this habit and proven to yourself that you can do this, you have now become 'someone who exercises'. You can then build from there, using your proven track record to keep you going. Schedule your exercise in and keep the promise to yourself. Before long it will just be something that you do, just like brushing your teeth!

More about habits and consistency here.


Hopefully that helps debunk a few questions, please feel free to get in contact if you have any other burning questions or comments - I love hearing from you!

Find me on Instagram - @kando_training, or Facebook - @KANdoTraining.

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